The Benefits of Regular Exercise during a Pandemic

We all have become a little lazy and are inactive in terms of activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 pandemic has disturbed several aspects of our lives. Working from home, online training, and government limitation on gyms has led to a situation where we don’t know where and when to exercise to stay healthy.

One more point we like to mention over here is that it is tempting for each one of us to stay away from the healthy routine. But as per medical science and fitness enthusiast, it is always crucial, in normal and abnormal circumstances, to follow a healthy routine for physical and mental well-being. Here’s how the Covid-19 pandemic may affect our mental and physical well-being.

How Covid-19 is affecting our mental and physical well-being?

  • We sit for a longer duration at a single place when we are working from home. It may lead to a situation wherein you get neck & shoulder pain, backache, headache, and much more. Children are subjected to pain in the eyes more often.
  • Working from home has also changed our dietary habits. We have seen many people consuming more food, and have gained weight, and on the other hand, many people have reduced their diet.
  • Due to the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are facing anxiety, fear, sadness, and much more in similar lines.

All this has led to a negative effect on mental and physical well-being.

Although there are a lot of awareness campaigns launched by fitness trainers, government officials, and related organizations, people have taken the risk of avoiding it. But the next section will make you realize why exercise in a normal routine is essential.

Why is exercise important during/after the Covid-19 pandemic?

Normal exercise is crucial for each one of us under normal circumstances. However, there are a few reasons why exercise holds a lot more value during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Exercise boosts your immune system (primary task to stay away from Covid-19)

Research [1] proves that normal, intense, or moderate exercise helps our body to fight against body infections. It includes Covid-19 too.

  • Stay away from gaining weight.

Regular exercise ensures that you have a properly functioning body system, and it burns extra calories consumed during the day.

  • Have a good sleep at night

We hope you agree that our body needs proper sleep during night hours to keep it functional during the day. Exercise ensures a night of good quality sleep. Additionally, a good night’s sleep leads to an improved immune system.

  • No anxiety or stress

Almost all of us have faced mood swings during the Covid-19 pandemic. The best mood-booster is to have some moderate exercise during the day. It also reduces the levels of anxiety and stress.

Though routine exercises are more beneficial for adults, it is necessary for kids/children to follow a routine to stay healthy. Like eye-exercises for kids[2] , indoor games with parents and siblings, etc.

A question remains unanswered of how to stay healthy during the corona closure? What all activities we may adopt to stay safe from Covid-19? The next section will take you through all the measures you can take to remain normal & healthy during Covid-19 and post Covid-19.

How to stay physically sound during the Covid-19 pandemic?

There are many ways to stay physically strong during the Covid-19 pandemic, even if the gyms are training centers are closed. The best example is to follow the home exercise routine.

We have mentioned a few suggestions that may help you improve your physical as well as mental well-being.

Disclaimer – If you have a chronic condition, please consult a medical officer before following the routine we have mentioned here.

  • Go outdoor with a mask.

We agree that it is not advisable to go out during the Covid-19 pandemic. But, having a mask on, with all the social distancing guidelines followed, you can go cycling, hiking, and jogging during the morning hours. It will burn fat, calories, and keep you active during the day. 

  • Yoga

We have seen many influencers running social media campaigns where they have come out of their normal routine and have taken challenges. We can challenge ourselves to have at least five days a week when we do Yoga. Yoga can keep your respiratory system healthy, which keeps you safe from the Covid-19.

  • Regular exercise routine with your family

When you can have an outing with your family, you can have an exercise routine too. Devise a plan of how your whole family can get up early in the morning, go walking, go cycling, or play a soccer game. It will ensure that you and your family remain close to each other and stay healthy.

Summing Up

It will take some effort of yours at the start, but you will find it more comfortable once the routine is set.

Stay healthy, stay safe! Cheers!

My name is Dharmil Shah. I am a freelance content writer from Mumbai (India). I love creating engaging and informative content for my readers. I am fond of reading books, playing cricket & table tennis, and watching series. 


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14 Responses to The Benefits of Regular Exercise during a Pandemic

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  2. Elisabeth says:

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  3. Andreas Baumann says:

    “Go outdoor with a mask.
    We agree that it is not advisable to go out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    But, having a mask on, with all the social distancing guidelines followed, you can go cycling, hiking, and jogging during the morning hours. It will burn fat, calories, and keep you active during the day.”
    Sorry, but the only thing that is true about this statement is the last sentence (exercise burns calories and keeps you fit), everything else is unfortunately nonsense:
    It is important, especially in the pandemic, to get out and get your head cleared.
    There is a study from China made already a year ago that looked at 7000 COVID-19 infections, only ONE took place outdoors.
    There is a risk of infection outside only if you are facing each other, and then only if you do that for between 5 and 15 min. Even if you walk or stand next to each other, there is practically no risk. And wearing a mask outside is generally not necessary unless you are facing each other.
    The increased risk of infection is indoors, not outdoors. On top of that, how do you expect to do any meaningful sports, jogging, with a mask on? I have tried that – it does not work properly at all.

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  9. Laurie Rollins says:

    I can say that I didn’t go out much during the pandemic, I usually spent time at home, the only thing that kept me from getting bored and having a good time was playing games like hungry shark, some days I was exercising at home in the morning to prevent sedentary life, it really made me feel good.

  10. Yolanda Arnold says:

    Regular physical activity can help strengthen the immune system, making it more effective in fighting off infections. This is crucial during a pandemic when the goal is to maintain overall health and reduce susceptibility to illnesses. basketrandom

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